About John Sorensen
Rev. John B. Sorensen is President and CEO of Evangelism Explosion International in Arden, North Carolina.
The son of a preacher, John was baptized in a river at age seven on Easter Sunday. He enrolled at a Christian college when only 16, but was so disheartened by what he saw, he left, determined to be a success in radio and TV.
By the time he was 30, John had accumulated a shelf-full of regional and national awards for his TV and radio ads, as well as for sound design for films. But success didn’t satisfy him.
A friend suggested that he attend Christ Community Church in Omaha. While there, Dr. Tom Stebbins took him through the Evangelism Explosion Gospel presentation and led him to Christ. John’s wife Ann also accepted Christ.
John was immediately drawn to seeing others come to Christ. He became a trainer and teacher-trainer in EE, then joined the staff in 1997. He first served as Director of Marketing, then Vice President of Ministry Advancement. He soon becoming Executive Vice-President before ultimately being appointed President in 2008. The office of President was held previously by EE’s founder, Dr. D. James Kennedy.
John is quick to say, “My goal, by God’s grace, is to continue the mission for which this great ministry was founded until Christ calls me home.”
Millions of Christians have been trained to share Christ through EE since its founding in 1962. Today, that training is used in every nation on earth.
John Sorensen is the author of Well Done: A Christian Doctrine of Works, written in collaboration with Dr. D. James Kennedy, and Your Story Counts: Sharing the Most Important Story of Your Life, a guide for how Christians can use the story of how God encourages, changes, and transforms lives as a compelling tool to reach others with the Gospel.
John received a Master of Arts in Evangelism and Doctor of Divinity from Knox Theological Seminary as well as a Doctor of Humane Letters from Montreat College.